My World

In My World there is laughter, compassion, strength, music, romance, power and wealth.  Wealth being what you consider it to be...not necessarily money or a massive fortune in gold, silver or beautiful gems.  

It is bright here and the days are warm and long.  Just enough time to work comfortably and have time to play among the forest creatures, by the large lakes and into the lush mountains.  Soar high above the trees,  into the bluest sky circling farm lands and villages of  unsuspecting townsfolk.

The days are very enjoyable, we feel lighter, can breath deeper and fear no pursuit by the villagers  we walk among.  It is kind of hard to convince humans that dragons are wonderful beings just as they are.  So to that end we try, very hard, to not bring our existence to the forefront.

We are the dragon shape shifters.  We are of all colors with our own special qualities and powers...Magic is a given among many; brute strength possessed by others and logic and knowledge spread among the others.  This will all be revealed.

Lodged further into My World is the one dragon I want to see come into himself.  He is known by the name Chayanne.  Extremely accomplished singer, actor, dancer.  An entrepreneur, philanthropist and all around great guy.  He just will not give into his all mighty dragon! 

He is the black dragon - possessor of enormous strength, magic and heeling powers.  Black dragons are revered amongst all others. 

It is my mission to bring all the forces together and let Chayanne see the heeling power that can spread throughout many hearts and minds if he would just unlease the Dragon.  Many fables (novels) have been written praising the dragons of long ago when people really believed and then there are the dragons of a world where only a few believe.

Step into My World where you can become familiar with not only our Dragon Kin but many Shifter types.  Even a few Demons and Angels (fallen or not) may show up.  

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